Something For The Whole Family!

Category: Show News | Author: SA 4x4 & Outdoor Show |  Date posted:  | Reach: 223317   13409

Something For The Whole Family!

Biggest and Best
Test drive all the latest 4X4 and SUV's on the test drive track for free
Drive the latest Mercedes Benz 4X4 Bakkies & SUV's on the 4X4 Track
Come and have a thrill on the Skid Pan
Freefal Parachute JumpsCamel rides
Inflatables for the kiddies
Helicopter Flips
Live Military Mock Attacks
4X4 and Aftermarket accessories
Latest 4X4 and SUV's for Sale
Outdoor clothing shoping
Top of the range fishing equipment
Archery & Pigeon clay Shooting
Lots of delicious food stalls
Paintball and air rifle shooting
A craft beer festival with live bands
100's of leading brands in the industry
Buy the latest 4X4 caravans/ 4X4 Trailers and Camping Equipment
Buy your dream boat

All here at Zwartkops Raceway, Pretoria on the R55 just outside Centerion

Purchase your tickets at Computicket for R120 for adults and R60 for children or R150 for adults and R60 for children at the gate.

SA 4x4 & Outdoor Show
+27 82 344 0238
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